Golf Manor go Vibrant Walking Routes

Built on an oasis of rich farmland, wild roses and honeysuckle gave way to streets named after many of the founding families, including Wiehe, Stover, Hammel, Pieper, Kellerman and Engle (Englewood).

Cradling the northwest corner of Losantiville Country Club, Golf Manor was so named because of its proximity to several historic golf courses, including Maketewa and Crest Hills. Incorporated in 1947, Golf Manor is home to the oldest orthodox Jewish synagogue in Cincinnati.

Just over one half square mile in size, the 3,600 residents of Golf Manor enjoy the benefits of our own professional police, fire and service departments.

Your journey through the village will take you along Stover Avenue where you will pass the original Wiehe family farmhouse built in 1862.

You’ll also pass Chuck Harmon Way, a neighborhood street named for long-time resident Chuck Harmon, the first African-American to play for the Cincinnati Reds.

Thank you for visiting Golf Manor, a “Great Village”.